4 Tips for How to Make Coffee From Home

Whether working from home or not having enough time to get to your local coffee shop, you shouldn’t have to go without a great-tasting coffee. While it may not be AS tasty or as aesthetically pleasing as the one your favorite barrister makes, here are a few ways to make a tasty coffee from the comfort of your own home:

High quality coffee beans are a critical first step. We recommend starting with your favorite local roasted coffee.

French Press

A common technique when it comes to making coffee at home, the French Press uses a cylinder pot with a plunger and filter function to press hot water in the cylinder through the coffee grounds. That’s all it takes, making it a simple technique that doesn’t require much skill or effort, and one of the more popular techniques for making coffee at home. The real key is making it with quality coffee grounds that aren’t too fine to pass through the filter.

Pour Over/Drip

Another very easy, cheap, and fast way to make homemade coffee is ‘Pour Over’ or ‘Drip’ coffee. In this technique, coffee grounds are positioned within a cone and paper filter, and hot water is then evenly poured over those coffee grounds. The water then seeps through the coffee grounds, creating brewed coffee that drips into a cup or pot. Differing tastes using this method come from not only the type of coffee but also the shape of the cone and the filters used.

Stovetop Espresso Maker

Stovetop Espresso Makers often look like small but tall kettles. Similar to a kettle, they heat water, but the fun doesn’t stop there. These coffee makers use the steam created from boiling water in the bottom chamber, which then passes through the coffee grounds in the middle chamber. The final product is found in the top chamber, ready to pour. This is more of a bottom-up technique compared to the top-down methods of brewing previously discussed, but just as tasty!

Espresso Machine

If you want coffee shop authenticity, you can always get yourself an at-home espresso machine. This is likely more expensive up front compared to the other methods listed, but over time the delicious coffee produced will more than makeup for it. These at-home espresso machines push pressurized, near-boiling water through a round puck of coffee grounds, producing a thick, smooth espresso. At-home espresso machines come in all sizes and price points, so you may just find the perfect one for you!

Norris Hill