Why You Should Buy Local Roasted Coffee

Take a stroll down the coffee aisle at any grocery store and you will find a plethora of options. Sure, it’s convenient – but at what cost? Let’s take a look at the lifespan of coffee. 

Always Fresh 

Roasted, whole coffee beans can last 6-9 months when unopened, and 6 months after opening. Technically it is still safe to consume coffee beans past this time, however, they will not have a fresh taste or pleasant aroma. While the freshly roasted coffee beans tend to have a long shelf life, once they have been ground it is quite the opposite. Ground coffee should be consumed within 2 weeks for a fresh taste and aroma.

Now that we’ve covered the lifespan of coffee, let’s go back to the grocery store. Do you think grocery stores are removing bags of ground coffee once they’re 2 weeks past their ground date? We don’t either. 

Trusted Sources 

When purchasing coffee from a chain grocery store, it is a gamble whether or not you are purchasing coffee that has been ethically sourced. What do we mean by ethically sourced? When coffee is ethically sourced, it means that the farmers are compensated fairly and that labor standards have been followed.

Honeybee Coffee Co. works with reputable suppliers that deal directly with the farmers, ensuring that they are adequately compensated for their beans and that fair trade pricing prevails. We know exactly where our beans are coming from; down to the region, elevation, and the names of the farmers.

Unbeatable Taste

When you purchase locally roasted coffee beans, you are purchasing coffee with an enhanced flavor and aroma that simply cannot be replicated. When coffee is roasted locally in small batches, there is more control over the flavor and aroma. The roasting technique is responsible for bringing out flavors and releasing the nutty aroma from your beans. At Honeybee Coffee Co. we roast our specialty coffee beans to perfection which guarantees more distinctive, irresistible flavors. 

Supporting Local

When you purchase coffee from your local coffee shop rather than from a chain grocery store, you are investing in your community. To put it simply, shopping locally is an easy and effective way to boost the economy. So go ahead, buy the locally roasted coffee beans and stimulate the economy and your taste buds.

Norris Hill