Why Working or Studying In Your Local Coffee Shop Is Beneficial

For those who work or study at home, a local coffee shop may be a great change of scenery. Studies have shown that a little bit of noise from the shop can actually be beneficial increasing productivity and creativity. The coffee rush, nothing but your laptop and a good cup of Knoxville coffee in front of you.

Less Distractions While Working

Sure, there may be people in and out, but your normal distractions are not there. For example, working from home you may have a tendency to get distracted to do everything needed around the house such as laundry or dishes instead of staying on task. However, working in your favorite Knoxville coffee shop all you have is coffee, books, and a computer to be productive.

Change of Environment Increases Productivity

Even if you love your office or working from home, a change of scenery can actually help you focus more and increase productivity. People tend to fall into a routine when working from the same spot, so moving even just for a few hours to get stuff done is beneficial. Changing the space of work can bring new stimulation and have a positive impact on your creativity.

Meeting New People

Meeting new people may give you a new perspective of what you're working on, provide you with new ideas, or inspire you in a different way. You may even be able to start a study group or friends to meet with regularly or weekly.

Caffeine Can Improve Focus Levels

Drinking coffee can help people concentrate and stay more focused. It can help get past that midday slump to jolt you back up. Curious how this works? The brain has adenosine- a chemical that makes someone feel tired. That sleepy feeling occurs when adenosine is built up in the brain. Caffeine is a stimulant, it is able to block this effect of tiredness and make a person feel more alert. More alert means greater focus and better production.

Background Noise Can Better Cognitive Performance

According to research, listening to music and background noise can have multiple benefits. Guess what contains both music and background noise? Your favorite Knoxville coffee shop. Benefits such as task performance, better mood, higher energy levels, and better concentration.

Hopefully after reading this you will want to work or study in a coffee shop more often. Visit your favorite coffee in Knoxville or Sevierville at Honey Bee Coffee Co.

Norris Hill