Ways to Upgrade Your Coffee at Home: Never Have a Bland Cup Again

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Various people have different reasons for drinking coffee. Some adore the taste. Others require that rush of caffeine to get them through the morning. And some people just love the routine nature of prepping their steaming cup each morning.

Whatever your reason is, you might as well put some additional care into making it taste amazing — yes, we're talking coffeeshop tier quality. If you're unsure of how you can upgrade your cup of joe, continue reading. Here are a few handy tips anyone can utilize, whether they're new or seasoned coffee drinkers.

Forget Instant, Brew Specialty Coffee

Sure, instant coffee can help you out in a pinch. But if you want to place flavor and overall quality first, consider brewing specialty coffee instead. In case you're already not familiar, specialty coffee refers to the highest grade of coffee available. These high standards correlate to the entire production process — from the acquisition of the beans to the overall taste when you prepare your cup. You can try adding sugar and cream to a bland cup of instant, but working with a high quality base is what will ultimately upgrade your morning routine.

Add a Sprinkle of Cinnamon

To bring that seasonal flair to your cup of joe, add a sprinkle of cinnamon. This addition will add a hint of sweetness without adding any unnecessary sugar. If you wish to add more holiday inspired flavors to your coffee on any given day, you can also add a splash of vanilla or a hint of nutmeg.

Add a Dash of Protein Powder

If you're into fitness and exercising, consider creating a coffee infused protein shake that will nourish and simultaneously caffeinate your body at the same time.

Use Salt to Offset the Bitter Taste

If you love to drink your coffee black, but wish to reduce the bitter taste, throw in a pinch of salt to offset this.

Experiment With Different Milks

Try out different creamers and kinds of milk out on the market. There are multiple now, and most of them are non-dairy, which is great news if you're lactose intolerant. For a nutty taste, pour some almond milk into your cup. However, if you're pining for something creamier, oat milk is a great pick.

Create Coffee Cubes in the Freezer

However, if you prefer your coffee iced, consider freezing some coffee in cube molds. Use these in place of regular ice cubes that just water your coffee down as they melt.

Buy a Drink Frother

It's pretty simple to add that comforting layer of foam to top off any drink. All you have to do is buy a drink frother. These frothers are also compact and easy to use.

Add a Drizzle of Chocolate Syrup

If you love your coffee on the sweeter side, consider adding a drizzle of chocolate syrup to your cup. However, since most chocolate syrups contain a significant amount of sugar and calories, make sure to use this tip sparingly.

Know How to Store Your Coffee

Lastly, know how to prolong the quality of your coffee by storing it properly. Keeping coffee at a stable and desirable temperature of 68F°-72F° year-round can help you get a more consistent cup of coffee, so purchase an airtight container for storage purposes.

Closing Thoughts on Your Cup of Coffee

Coffee is an enjoyable experience as it can help brighten your mood and prepare you for the long day ahead. While nothing beats visiting your favorite coffee shop and ordering their locally roasted coffee, there are ways you can improve your home barista skills. And as long as you start by brewing specialty coffee, you can create a cup even a barista would be proud of.

Norris Hill